“It’s natural, so it must be safe and good for you.” Talk about a sentence that makes almost every health care provider cringe. In this post, we will thoroughly bust the myth that all herbal, natural, or organic remedies, personal care products, and cleaning products are safe and non-toxic.
Poison Myths Archive
Poison Myths Busted: Will Children Eat Things that Taste Bad?

Sometimes, parents of young children will tell our poison specialists, “I don’t think he/she ate that much because it tastes bad!” But, is this true? Let’s dive deeper to thoroughly bust the myth that children won’t eat things that taste bad…or will they?
Poison Myths Busted: Swallowed Something? Throw It Up!

There’s a saying that what goes up, must come down. When it comes to poisons, many people think that what goes down must come up. But that is not true! Learn how forcing someone to throw up can actually be more dangerous than leaving a substance in the stomach.
8 Common Poison Myths — Busted!

The Maryland Poison Center (MPC) answers over 44,000 calls every year. Some callers use home remedies or information passed down from their family when trying to treat a suspected poisoning. Others go to the internet. While some of the