Any pool owner will tell you that getting the pool ready for use, maintaining it, and closing it up for the off- season is no small task. It often requires multiple types of chemicals to keep the water clean, clear, and balanced.
Swimming Pools Archive
Common Inhalation Exposures

At the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), we talk a lot about poisons that are swallowed. But did you know we manage other types of poison exposures, too? Let’s look at other ways a person can be exposed to a poison, such as inhalation exposures.
Spring Poison Safety

Each season comes with different poison safety risks that we must keep in mind. During the spring season, life gets busy with the return of warm weather, kick-off of sports seasons, and spring break vacations. These tips will help you stay poison safe this spring.
Take Steps to Make Your Home Poison-Safe

June is National Healthy Homes Month. Learn what you can do to help protect your family against some common household hazards.