We are back with part 2 of “Will Kids Really Eat That?” where we continue exploring items we as adults think would be gross to eat but kids actually eat them all the time.
Children Archive
Little to Large Problem: The Danger of Water Beads

Water beads can cause physical harm and have the potential of causing a severe, and sometimes deadly, small bowel obstruction in children.
Poison Exposures in Children- Summer Edition

Summertime is finally here! Whether children are staying home or going to camps or on vacations, they will likely spend time exploring their environments.
Poison Centers are for Everyone

A common myth we hear is that poison centers are just for little kids. But, that couldn’t be further from the truth — poison centers are for everyone!
Child-Resistant Packaging

Child-resistant packaging first came into Americans’ lives in 1970. Hundreds of children had been dying each year after getting into household products and medicines. Then the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA) was signed into law.
Will Kids Really Eat That?

Children learn about their environment by exploring. They look, touch, and taste. Sometimes, the things they taste are a real head scratcher, but are they actually harmful?
Stop, Ask First!

Children under the age of six accounted for 36% of cases at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC) in 2019. One common reason for unintentional exposures in children is that they are not able to tell the difference between products that look alike. Teach young children to “Stop, Ask First” before touching, tasting, or smelling something.
First-time Parent’s Guide to Poison Proofing Your Home

As a new parent, it’s exciting each time your baby reaches a new milestone. As soon as a baby starts to scoot, crawl, cruise, or walk, it’s time to baby proof.
Hand Sanitizer Safety

While hand sanitizer can be harmful if swallowed, it is safe and effective when used in the correct amount and correct way.
What You Should Know About Caffeine

What’s your poison? Coffee or tea? Coke or Pepsi? Monster or Red Bull? Chocolate? No matter which one you pick, each contains caffeine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that 80% of adults in the U.S. consume some form of caffeine every day.