April showers bring May flowers, but some of those flowers and plants can be poisonous. Let’s take a look at the plants that specialists at the Maryland Poison Center received the most calls about last year.
Top 3 Poisons of 2018: Adults and Older Adults

We’ll be taking a look at some of the most common substances we receive calls about over the next few months. This month, let’s take a closer look at the top three poisons seen among adults and older adults.
Meet Our Experts: Becka

One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know one specialist: Becka Mestas.
Top 3 Poisons of 2018: Children

We’ll be taking a look at some of the most common substances we receive calls about over the next few months. This month, let’s take a closer look at the top three poisons seen among children ages 0-19 years.
Top 10 Reasons Older Adults Should Call the Poison Center

Adults ages 59 years and older accounted for 9.8% of all cases at the Maryland Poison Center in 2018. Over the past three years, this number has continued to grow. Here, we explore the top 10 reasons older adults should call the poison center.
Poison Myths Busted: Are Herbal, Natural, and Organic Products Non-Toxic?

“It’s natural, so it must be safe and good for you.” Talk about a sentence that makes almost every health care provider cringe. In this post, we will thoroughly bust the myth that all herbal, natural, or organic remedies, personal care products, and cleaning products are safe and non-toxic.
Meet Our Experts: Amber

One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. In this post, you’ll to get to know one of our specialists: Amber Ferrell.
Poison Myths Busted: Will Children Eat Things that Taste Bad?

Sometimes, parents of young children will tell our poison specialists, “I don’t think he/she ate that much because it tastes bad!” But, is this true? Let’s dive deeper to thoroughly bust the myth that children won’t eat things that taste bad…or will they?
Winter Poison Safety

Each season brings different poison safety tips that we should keep in mind. Here, we share why you should keep carbon monoxide alarms and proper storage of winter’s hazardous materials in mind.
Tissues and Medicines and Coughs, Oh My!

Along with the cold winter air comes seemingly never-ending runny noses and coughs. Before opening the medicine cabinet for an over-the-counter remedy, let’s remember a few very important points.