Antidepressants are medicines that are prescribed to treat symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Sometimes they are prescribed for other conditions such as chronic pain, sleeping disorders, and migraine.
Medicine Archive
Measuring Medicine Safely

Measuring medicine, also called dosing, can be confusing! Health care providers and pharmacists may use terms such as milligrams (mg), milliliters (mL), micrograms (mcg), grams (g or gm), international units (IU), or other units of measure when talking about medicine.
Poison Safety Tips While Traveling

Poisonings don’t take a vacation. They happen 365 days a year. Stay safe while away with these tips!
The Truth Behind Poison Myths

There are many myths about poisons and poison centers. We’re here to provide the truth behind these myths.
Weight Loss Medicines and Supplements

Many people choose weight loss as their new year resolution. In addition to the usual steps to achieving weight loss – setting specific and measurable goals, eating healthy, exercising, and other lifestyle changes – some people also use weight loss medicines or supplements.
National Drug Take Back Day

Since 2010, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has held 20 National Drug Take Back Day events. These events are a free and easy way to safely dispose of medicines – both prescription and over-the-counter. The next drug take back day event is October 23, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Antihistamine Safety

Antihistamines are a type of medicine commonly used to treat allergies. Antihistamines were involved in approximately 1,200 cases at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC) in 2020. Let’s dive deeper into antihistamines and how to safely use them.
Common Inhalation Exposures

At the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), we talk a lot about poisons that are swallowed. But did you know we manage other types of poison exposures, too? Let’s look at other ways a person can be exposed to a poison, such as inhalation exposures.
Common Skin Exposures

At the Maryland Poison Center, we talk a lot about poisons that are swallowed. But, did you know we manage other types of poison exposures, too? Let’s look at other ways a person can be exposed to a poison, such as skin exposures.
What You Should Know About Melatonin

Melatonin is a natural hormone made by our bodies. It can also be taken as a dietary supplement. Melatonin can help you sleep better when used in the right way and right amount.