It seems as though every day there is a story about lung injury caused by vaping in the news. Federal, state, and local agencies are looking into these cases all over the country to try to determine a specific cause for patients’ illness.
Take Charge of Your Health
Do you take medicines? Are you a caregiver to someone who takes medicines? If so, medicine safety is important for you!
Meet Our Experts: Faisal
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know our toxicology fellow: Faisal Minhaj.
Understanding Safe Storage
Safe storage is one of the best ways to help prevent poisonings and overdoses. This seemingly simple idea includes many layers. Let’s explore these layers to help ensure your home is poison safe for your family, visitors, and pets.
Meet Our Experts: Heather M.
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know one specialist: Heather Mialki.
Summertime Poisons
Each season comes with different poison safety tips that we should keep in mind. Here, we share why you should keep sunscreen and other summertime poisons in mind.
Meet Our Experts: Laura
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know one specialist: Laura Hignutt.
Frequently Asked Questions
In this post, we will discuss some of the questions callers have frequently asked our experts over the past 47 years.
Poisonous Plants
April showers bring May flowers, but some of those flowers and plants can be poisonous. Let’s take a look at the plants that specialists at the Maryland Poison Center received the most calls about last year.
Top 3 Poisons of 2018: Adults and Older Adults
We’ll be taking a look at some of the most common substances we receive calls about over the next few months. This month, let’s take a closer look at the top three poisons seen among adults and older adults.