As a new parent, it’s exciting each time your baby reaches a new milestone. As soon as a baby starts to scoot, crawl, cruise, or walk, it’s time to baby proof.
Poison Safety Archive
Poison Safety During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Poisonings are more likely to happen when people find themselves in a different routine or environment, or they are struggling to find activities to keep them occupied. To make sure your home is poison-safe for everyone during the coronavirus pandemic, follow these tips.
Hand Sanitizer Safety

While hand sanitizer can be harmful if swallowed, it is safe and effective when used in the correct amount and correct way.
Don’t Search…Just Call!

The best advice to follow if you think a poisoning or overdose has happened: don’t search the internet, just call the poison center. You can get accurate information in seconds by pressing 10 buttons: 800-222-1222.
Poison Safety and New Year’s Resolutions

Whether you’ve made a new resolution or are rededicating yourself to a resolution you made last year (or many years ago), poison safety can impact the steps you take to achieve your goals.
What You Should Know About Caffeine

What’s your poison? Coffee or tea? Coke or Pepsi? Monster or Red Bull? Chocolate? No matter which one you pick, each contains caffeine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that 80% of adults in the U.S. consume some form of caffeine every day.
What You Should Know About Marijuana (Cannabis)

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a drug with a lot of nicknames: Mary Jane, weed, or pot – to name a few. Below, we dive deeper into what you need to know about cannabis.
E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Associated Lung Injury (EVALI)

It seems as though every day there is a story about lung injury caused by vaping in the news. Federal, state, and local agencies are looking into these cases all over the country to try to determine a specific cause for patients’ illness.
Take Charge of Your Health

Do you take medicines? Are you a caregiver to someone who takes medicines? If so, medicine safety is important for you!
Understanding Safe Storage

Safe storage is one of the best ways to help prevent poisonings and overdoses. This seemingly simple idea includes many layers. Let’s explore these layers to help ensure your home is poison safe for your family, visitors, and pets.