Winter brings new opportunities for kids to get into things they shouldn’t.
Poison Safety Archive
Poison Help for Older Adults

Older adults do not need the services of the Maryland Poison Center, right? Wrong!
A Wrapped Gift – Holiday Poison Safety

As we quickly approach the holiday season, we’d like to take a moment to share something with you – a wrapped gift of all the resources we have created over the years to ensure you and your family have a poison-safe holiday season!
Will Kids Really Eat That? Part Two

We are back with part 2 of “Will Kids Really Eat That?” where we continue exploring items we as adults think would be gross to eat but kids actually eat them all the time.
“You’ll never believe what I just did”

We hear this all the time at the Maryland Poison Center. And we do believe what happened. You may think you’re the first person to have done something worth calling the Poison Center about, but chances are our experts have heard it before.
Be Safe while Making a Splash this Summer

Any pool owner will tell you that getting the pool ready for use, maintaining it, and closing it up for the off- season is no small task. It often requires multiple types of chemicals to keep the water clean, clear, and balanced.
Poison Safety for Caregivers of Adults and Older Adults

Did you know that about one in six Americans are caregivers providing care to adults (18 years and older) with a disability or illness? Let’s review poison safety tips for caregivers.
What You Should Know About Cannabis Edibles

Edibles are products that contain cannabis that can be consumed. They come in many forms that you can eat or drink and are quickly growing in popularity.
Little to Large Problem: The Danger of Water Beads

Water beads can cause physical harm and have the potential of causing a severe, and sometimes deadly, small bowel obstruction in children.
Pitfalls of Fruit Pits and Seeds

With the spring and summer season, you may find yourself reaching for a refreshing fruit as a snack. Some fruits contain pits and/or seeds that can be harmful.