Any pool owner will tell you that getting the pool ready for use, maintaining it, and closing it up for the off- season is no small task. It often requires multiple types of chemicals to keep the water clean, clear, and balanced.
Seasonal Archive
Poison Exposures in Children- Summer Edition

Summertime is finally here! Whether children are staying home or going to camps or on vacations, they will likely spend time exploring their environments.
Spring Poison Safety

Each season comes with different poison safety risks that we must keep in mind. During the spring season, life gets busy with the return of warm weather, kick-off of sports seasons, and spring break vacations. These tips will help you stay poison safe this spring.
Fall Poison Safety

Each season comes with different poison hazards that we need to keep in mind. Although we are still coping with COVID-19, poisonings continue to happen. Below, we share some tips to help you stay poison safe during the fall season.
Insect Repellents

Summer is in full force! Whether you’re going camping in the woods or just playing at the neighborhood park, you’ll likely find yourself applying sunscreen and bug spray before heading out. Let’s explore how to safely use insect repellents to better protect our loved ones when outdoors.
Maryland Critters that Bite and Sting

Although most critters in Maryland are beneficial to the ecosystem, some can bite or sting humans, potentially causing an injury.
Summertime Poisons

Each season comes with different poison safety tips that we should keep in mind. Here, we share why you should keep sunscreen and other summertime poisons in mind.
Winter Poison Safety

Each season brings different poison safety tips that we should keep in mind. Here, we share why you should keep carbon monoxide alarms and proper storage of winter’s hazardous materials in mind.
Your Halloween candy wasn’t poisoned

It’s almost time for every poison center’s favorite holiday: Halloween! From skeletons to bubbling witches brew, poisons are a featured part of many haunted celebrations. Fortunately that’s just fun and games. Here’s some information to ensure you have a non-toxic