Children under the age of six accounted for 36% of cases at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC) in 2019. One common reason for unintentional exposures in children is that they are not able to tell the difference between products that look alike. Teach young children to “Stop, Ask First” before touching, tasting, or smelling something.
Safe Storage Archive
First-time Parent’s Guide to Poison Proofing Your Home

As a new parent, it’s exciting each time your baby reaches a new milestone. As soon as a baby starts to scoot, crawl, cruise, or walk, it’s time to baby proof.
Take Charge of Your Health

Do you take medicines? Are you a caregiver to someone who takes medicines? If so, medicine safety is important for you!
Understanding Safe Storage

Safe storage is one of the best ways to help prevent poisonings and overdoses. This seemingly simple idea includes many layers. Let’s explore these layers to help ensure your home is poison safe for your family, visitors, and pets.
What your babysitter needs to know about the poison center

Trusting someone else to watch your child can be difficult. Know that the Maryland Poison Center has your back. Poisonings are most common in kids, and most of the time they happen at home. So before you go out for