A common myth we hear is that poison centers are just for little kids. But, that couldn’t be further from the truth — poison centers are for everyone!
Poison Exposures Archive
Holiday Plants

As you begin to deck the halls this holiday season, you may find yourself reaching for a plant or two to help spruce up your space. Let’s look at some of the most common plants that pop up around the holiday season and whether they are safe decorating choices.
Will Kids Really Eat That?

Children learn about their environment by exploring. They look, touch, and taste. Sometimes, the things they taste are a real head scratcher, but are they actually harmful?
Poison Emergency Preparedness

September is Emergency Preparedness Month. Let’s look at some steps that families can take to make sure they are prepared for a poison emergency. Remember, if the person is not breathing, is unconscious, or having seizures, call 911 right away. If not, call 1-800-222-1222 to talk to a poison specialist who is ready to answer your call.
Insect Repellents

Summer is in full force! Whether you’re going camping in the woods or just playing at the neighborhood park, you’ll likely find yourself applying sunscreen and bug spray before heading out. Let’s explore how to safely use insect repellents to better protect our loved ones when outdoors.
Maryland Critters that Bite and Sting

Although most critters in Maryland are beneficial to the ecosystem, some can bite or sting humans, potentially causing an injury.
Poison Safety During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Poisonings are more likely to happen when people find themselves in a different routine or environment, or they are struggling to find activities to keep them occupied. To make sure your home is poison-safe for everyone during the coronavirus pandemic, follow these tips.
Hand Sanitizer Safety

While hand sanitizer can be harmful if swallowed, it is safe and effective when used in the correct amount and correct way.
Don’t Search…Just Call!

The best advice to follow if you think a poisoning or overdose has happened: don’t search the internet, just call the poison center. You can get accurate information in seconds by pressing 10 buttons: 800-222-1222.
Summertime Poisons

Each season comes with different poison safety tips that we should keep in mind. Here, we share why you should keep sunscreen and other summertime poisons in mind.