Keeping unused or expired medicines in your home is dangerous. If your doctor tells you to stop taking a medicine, promptly dispose of it to help prevent a medicine error. Make it a habit to regularly dispose of unused and expired medicines.
Medicine Safety Archive
Mixing Medicines with Alcohol

“My doctor just gave me a new medicine to take; can I drink alcohol with it?” This is how many conversations begin at the Maryland Poison Center. The answer to the question can vary depending on the medicine.
Top 10 Reasons Older Adults Should Call the Poison Center

Adults ages 59 years and older accounted for 9.8% of all cases at the Maryland Poison Center in 2018. Over the past three years, this number has continued to grow. Here, we explore the top 10 reasons older adults should call the poison center.
Winter Poison Safety

Each season brings different poison safety tips that we should keep in mind. Here, we share why you should keep carbon monoxide alarms and proper storage of winter’s hazardous materials in mind.
Tissues and Medicines and Coughs, Oh My!

Along with the cold winter air comes seemingly never-ending runny noses and coughs. Before opening the medicine cabinet for an over-the-counter remedy, let’s remember a few very important points.
Traveling with Medicine

The holiday season means traveling for many of us. No matter your destination, if you take medicine, it is important that you travel with it safely. The MPC offers a few tips for traveling with medicine.
OTC Medicine Safety for All Ages

Some people think OTC medicines are safer than prescription medicines. But, all medicines can be harmful if not used correctly. Follow these tips to make sure your family uses OTC medicines safely.
4 tips to protect your family this holiday season

The holidays should be a time of joy and family get-togethers. Don’t let a mishap with holiday items, medicine or food spoil the festivities. Here are some tips to keep everything merry and bright. Use Caution When Decorating. Holiday décor
Grapefruit juice and medicine: what’s the real deal?

As a pharmacy student, I remember telling a patient “You shouldn’t drink grapefruit juice or eat grapefruits with this medicine.” She was quick to reply, “Oh don’t worry, if I drink grapefruit juice, I drink it in the morning, but
What your babysitter needs to know about the poison center

Trusting someone else to watch your child can be difficult. Know that the Maryland Poison Center has your back. Poisonings are most common in kids, and most of the time they happen at home. So before you go out for