Mr. Yuk celebrates his 50th birthday in 2021! The familiar green face was created at the Pittsburgh Poison Center in 1971. Dr. Richard Moriarty, the founder of the Pittsburgh Poison Center, wanted to create a symbol that could help prevent poisonings in children.
About Us Archive
National Poison Prevention Week 2021

National Poison Prevention Week (NPPW) has been observed in the United States since 1962. It began on February 7, 1962, when President John F. Kennedy responded to a request from Congress and proclaimed the third full week of March every year as National Poison Prevention Week.
Why So Many Questions?

When you call the poison center, you often need information or help with a particular situation. You just want an answer to your question. We asked Jen, one of our poison experts, to explain why we ask a series of questions.
Frequently Asked Questions

In this post, we will discuss some of the questions callers have frequently asked our experts over the past 47 years.
A Day in the Life of a Poison Center 2018

Poison specialists do much more than answer phones all day. Get an inside glimpse into their workday and learn more about the important services that they provide.
Why the eAntidote?
This year the Maryland Poison Center is celebrating its 45th birthday! Since 1972 we’ve answered more than 2.2 million phone calls. While what we do every day at the MPC has not changed much, the way we do it has