One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know one specialist: Heather Sellman.
About Us Archive
Why So Many Questions?
When you call the poison center, you often need information or help with a particular situation. You just want an answer to your question. We asked Jen, one of our poison experts, to explain why we ask a series of questions.
Meet Our Experts: Jimmy
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know one specialist: James (Jimmy) Leonard.
Meet Our Experts: Medical Directors
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read the Q&A below to get to know our medical directors: Drs. Josh King and Liz Hines.
Meet Our Experts: Faisal
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know our toxicology fellow: Faisal Minhaj.
Meet Our Experts: Heather M.
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know one specialist: Heather Mialki.
Meet Our Experts: Laura
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know one specialist: Laura Hignutt.
Frequently Asked Questions
In this post, we will discuss some of the questions callers have frequently asked our experts over the past 47 years.
Meet Our Experts: Becka
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. Read this Q&A to get to know one specialist: Becka Mestas.
Meet Our Experts: Amber
One of the goals of our eAntidote blog is to introduce you to the real poison experts who answer the phones at the Maryland Poison Center (MPC), as well as our staff members. In this post, you’ll to get to know one of our specialists: Amber Ferrell.